Approaching the School
From time to time parents or other members of the school community may need to approach the school in order to:
· Discuss the progress or wellbeing of their own child
· Express concern about actions of other students
· Enquire about school policy or practice
· Express concern about actions of staff
It is therefore necessary to have procedures that will help solve problems as soon as possible so that a safe and harmonious school environment is maintained. The best results usually flow from working together.
These guidelines aim to:
· provide a guide in order that concerns are dealt with in an open and fair manner.
· ensure that the rights of students, teachers and parents are respected and upheld.
· support sensitivity and confidentiality.
· help reach an agreed solution
On occasion, concerns may cause frustration and anxiety. At such times it is always important to organise a time to talk with school staff in an unhurried and confidential atmosphere. NB No parent should directly approach another person’s child. The school will deal with issues between students as part of the school’s Wellbeing policy.
Who to seek assistance from (other than the class teacher)?

Code of Conduct for Parents / Visitors
A code of conduct for parents and visitors ensures that everyone who visits the school site is able to do so in a safe and harmonious manner and to ensure that students, staff, parents and other visitors are not subjected to aggressive, hostile or violent behaviours.
Parents and visitors are expected to:
· Treat all persons associated with the school with respect and courtesy
· Ensure their child/children are punctual to class
· Make appointments in advance of expecting to obtain an interview
· Allow staff to supervise, investigate and manage students without interference
· Discuss issues or concerns about the school, staff or students through the correct procedures
· Follow school procedures governing entry and behaviour on school grounds, including any restrictions that may be imposed.
Any person contravening this Code of Conduct is advised that the provisions of the Inclosed Lands Protection Act (1901) and its Amendments will be followed if any of the following occur:
· Actual physical assaults or threatened physical assaults on students, staff, parents or community members at the school or during the course of school activities;
· Behaviour in the presence of students, staff, parents or other visitors to the school that causes alarm or concern to the students, staff, parents or other visitors;
· Use of offensive language (ie swearing) in the presence of students, staff or other visitors to the school;
· Any interruption to the learning environment of the school such as entering classrooms without permission.
· In very rare cases, where people wishing to express concerns, do so in an aggressive, threatening or violent manner, the principal (or nominee) has the legal authority under the ‘Inclosed Lands Act’ to:
· direct the person to immediately leave the grounds.
· call the police to remove the person should he/she refuse.
· withdraw future permission (by letter) for the person to enter the grounds without permission of the principal.
· Seek further legal avenues.
Your co-operation is sought in maintaining a safe and happy school.